What is Recycled Asphalt Millings

11 Aug What is Recycled Asphalt Millings

Asphalt is the most recycled product in the U.S. with 99% of all asphalt being reused. So, what is recycled asphalt millings. Millings refer to the material milled from an asphalt road before repaving it. These millings are then recycled along with other materials to be used to make a new paving material for the road. The process of milling involves breaking up the top layer or two on sections of road, adding those pieces to a grinder to heat them and reusing the millings to repair or resurface the road.

Recycled asphalt millings, or recycled asphalt pavement (RAP), are cost efficient, better for the environment and hold up well. Few people realize how common they truly are. When asphalt is recycled at larger processing plants it may contain additional materials recycled along with it, including tire rubber, glass, foundry sand and even roof shingles. This combination is mixed to create a stronger asphalt which is crushed into gravel.

The benefits of using asphalt millings are numerous, but here are a few of the most important:

Cost Savings

Using recycled materials means no production of new material and therefore significant cost savings. According to Sustainable Business News, U.S. taxpayers saved $2.2 billion in 2011 by using recycled asphalt millings rather than new materials. Even accounting for the process of heating and mixing the millings to create RAP, the cost is less. In some places the milling is sent to a processing plant, but in others machines may be used right on the road as milling is taken up, allowing workers to quickly resurface the road as they go. This is also remarkably time-efficient so it saves construction hours and manpower costs.

Environmental Sustainability

Because recycled asphalt milling is all recycled material and can be recycled and used again and again, it is one of the most sustainable products out there. Many communities even offer tax incentives for paving driveways and repairing roads with RAP because it is the best option for LEED credits. Studies also show RAP results in less carbon emissions. The processing is relatively clean, producing no smoke and minimal dust.


Recycled millings harden over time, strengthening the pavement. This method also requires no finishing or other maintenance. RAP produces less dust and no mud, so even clean-up is negligible.

Recycled asphalt millings ultimately create a better surface. It reduces surface irregularities like bumps and ruts when repaving over a road or driveway. It also provides a textured surface for less skidding and restores drainage flow. Unlike other alternative surface solutions, it does not kick up dust or rocks that can damage vehicles.

Long-Lasting Even In Extreme Weather

Recycled asphalt milling adapts well to extreme weather conditions and holds up without refinishing or repaving as frequently as other materials. RAP materials are even more ice resistant and snow melts faster than on pure asphalt. High quality RAP is as good as “virgin” asphalt for durability.

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