Erosion and Slope Control

29 Feb Erosion and Slope Control

Erosion occurs when particles are carried away gradually form an area in landscape by streams. The gradual removal of soil from a concentrated area can really affect the natural landscape of a concentrated area and can lead to safety issues. Slope degradation limits the damage of erosion, and by limiting the impact of erosion, the integrity and natural beauty of an area is well-protected.  In this post we will focus on contributing factors and solutions of erosion and slope control.

Potential problems if erosion control measures aren’t implemented

Property owners encounter a number of problems if slope control methods aren’t implemented. Runoff can settle in undesirable areas and affect the stability of the driveway, driveway, sidewalk or patio of a home. Runoff can accumulate to dangerous levels and lead to clogged storm drains. If the moisture underground accumulates to dangerous level, the earth can become even more unstable. Issues like mudslides, balding areas in the yard, or underdeveloped plants.

Natural contributors to erosion

Erosion problems can be caused by several factors. Wind can contribute to the gradual removal of soil from a given surface. Precipitation can contribute to runoff problems as well. Poorly compacted soil is yet another natural cause of erosion problems in certain areas. A combination of wind and precipitation gradually degrades the topography of the soil.

Human factors leading to erosion

Human activities can contribute to erosion problems as well. Underdeveloped land leads to erosion when the landscaping needs aren’t accounted for long-term. Construction can also be a factor in erosion, which can disturb vegetative cover when logging roads, log landings, and trails. Agricultural activity disturbs the landscaping in certain areas due to the stress caused by activities like harvesting and animal activities like grazing.

How can erosion be monitored?

Erosion can be monitored in several ways. On the lowest level, the erosion can be monitored visually. Evidence of erosion manifests in several ways, such as dead spots in the yard, excessive puddles or delayed growth in planted vegetation. Technology offers different methods of land erosion in an area. Light Detection and Ranging is a high-resolution elevation and contour mapping area identifies problem erosion areas.
A comparative approach to monitoring erosion is also available. Critical source area analysis identifies certain areas of relative erosion using a comparative approach. Once these problems have been accurately detected and corrected, various erosion control methods can be used.

What are some common control methods?

Incorporating several slope control methods can reduce erosion caused in residential areas. Geotextiles like burlap, coir mat and jute mesh can protect the land until vegetation or other landscaping slope prevention methods take effect. Hydroseeding has the potential of reducing the effect of runoff following a rainy season and protects the plants until they have reached a certain level of maturation.
A combination of groundcover and shrubbery can establish deeper root systems that guard against water. Areas that are exposed in the yard are particularly vulnerable to erosion. The use of mulch, boulders, wood chips, bark or plants can curb the effects of erosion. Retaining walls made from brick can redirect the flow of water and prevent the water from causing further damage to the affected slopes.

Aggregate Stability

Problems with erosion leads to dead spots in a yard and prevents the area reaching its full potential. Runoff problems deprives the land of its much-needed nutrients, which impedes growth of new vegetation if left unchecked. Safety issues and property damage are additional challenges that can arise from erosion problems.
Slowing the impact of erosion to landscaping by promoting aggregate stability can be done with a series of natural and constructive landscaping intervention methods involving stone and vegetation.
Contact our team of aggregate specialists to learn more about bulk eco-friendly compliant solutions.